CNN anchor: ‘Zero chance’ journalists will ‘move on’ from Flynn scandal

There’s no chance journalists will move on from the scandal that led to the resignation of national security adviser Michael Flynn Monday night, CNN’s Chris Cuomo told Republican Rep. Chris Collins Tuesday.

The comment came after Collins urged Cuomo to put the scandal behind him.

“Gen. Flynn did what he thought was in the best interest of the country,” argued Collins, speaking on “New Day.” “I certainly respect that and I think it’s just time to move on.”

But Cuomo wasn’t sold.

“Congressman,” said the CNN anchor, “there is zero chance that we are going to move on until answers to the questions that present themselves at least get notice from the White House.”

“Come on, congressman,” Cuomo continued, later in the exchange. “It’s Valentine’s Day and for the love of truth you cannot say you just want to move on.”

“If we were talking about President Hillary Clinton and you found out her council knew weeks ago that this man was playing with the Russians about sanctions… and you just want to move on?”

Collins, however, said he lives in a “guess what, now what world.”

“Guess what? He’s resigned. Now what? We have a lot of issues to deal with. That’s how I live my life. I don’t dwell in the past.”

Earlier in the conversation, the New York congressman also speculated that the silence Tuesday from the White House on the scandal was due to the fact that it’s Valentine’s Day.

“It’s Valentine’s Day and I guess they’re having breakfast with their wives,” he said.

Flynn abruptly resigned Monday night after less than a month on the job.

His departure came after reports surfaced that the Justice Department warned the Trump administration last month that Flynn misled administration officials regarding his communications with the Russian ambassador to the United States and was potentially vulnerable to blackmail by the Russians.

“I inadvertently briefed the Vice President-elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian ambassador. I have sincerely apologized to the President and the Vice President, and they have accepted my apology,” Flynn wrote, according to a copy of his resignation letter obtained by CNN.

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