Career Center Receives State Grants

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County Career & Technology Center (CCCTC) has received two grants during the 2016-17 school year. 

A Supplemental Equipment grant in the amount of $18,834 and most recently, a Competitive Equipment grant in the amount of $50,000. 

(Provided photo)

The Supplemental Equipment grant, in the amount of $18,834, was written to update equipment in the diesel mechanics program of Study. 

The purchase of hydraulic lifts is being funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Career and Technical Education (PDE BCTE).

The state announced the recipients for the Competitive Equipment grant this week.  The CCCTC will be using the grant monies to purchase new equipment for the precision machining technology program of study. 

Two manual lathes, two manual mills and a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) lathe will be purchased through the grant, which is also funded through PDE BCTE.  

Training students to be prepared to enter the workforce after high school requires advanced, hands-on training with the materials and equipment they are likely to use once employment in the field is achieved. 

The equipment needed to provide a technologically prepared student to successfully enter the workforce comes at a high cost. 

“Through these grants, the CCCTC is able to continually purchase the needed equipment for the students,” school officials said.

“Just as textbooks must be periodically replaced with updated versions so must the equipment and materials being used to train the students in career and technical education programs.”

The equipment grant is a competitive application process.  The CCCTC was selected as a recipient. 

This grant program provides funding that must be matched, dollar-for-dollar by the school, through the general operating budget, for the purchase of equipment that meets industry standards. 

Elizabeth Frankhouser, executive director, compliments the Joint Operating Committee, Professional Advisory Committee and business and industry members who serve on the Occupational Advisory Committees for their continued support of the career center. 

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