5 things for Tuesday, February 14, 2017: Michael Flynn, travel ban, North Korea missile

Here are the 5 things you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.

1. Michael Flynn

White House national security adviser Michael Flynn resigned Monday night after questions about his contacts with Russia reached a fever pitch. In his resignation letter, he said he had “inadvertently briefed” then-VP-elect Mike Pence and others on phone calls he had with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office. Flynn’s resignation leaves more questions than answers, among them:

•Who will be his successor?

•Where does the controversy go now? (Because you know it’s not over.)

2. Travel ban

Federal District Judge James Robart, the guy who first put a nationwide halt to President Trump’s travel ban, has denied the administration’s request to delay challenges to the ban brought on by two states, Washington and Minnesota. Trump had wanted to put off more hearings while an appeals court weighs the case. But Robart refused to slow things down, referencing Trump’s own tweet last week when he first lost at the appellate level — “see you in court.” Trump’s team is now considering other options, including modifying or supplementing the executive order.

3. North Korea

The United Nations Security Council held an emergency session the day after North Korea completed a test launch of an intermediate-range ballistic missile. Obviously they condemned the act, but it was harsh words from US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley that raised eyebrows. She called the launch “unacceptable” and shot a thinly-veiled barb to China, indirectly calling the Chinese “enablers” of North Korea’s saber rattling.

4. Trudeau visit

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had a busy Monday at the White House. Trudeau, who is famously accepting of immigrants, stood next to Trump as the latter defended his travel ban during a news conference. Trudeau said he disagreed but was not there to “lecture” the President. The two — with help from Trump’s daughter, Ivanka — did, however, find common ground with the launch of a new women’s business initiative: The United States Canada Council for the Advancement of Women Business Leaders-Female Entrepreneurs. Catchy name.

5. Sandusky

Jeffrey Sandusky, the son of convicted sex abuser and former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, has been arrested on felony and misdemeanor child sexual offense charges. You’ll recall the elder Sandusky’s crimes scandalized Penn State and disgraced its football program and its legendary coach, Joe Paterno. Jeffrey Sandusky faces 14 counts, including soliciting sex from a child under age 16, and soliciting child pornography.


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