Former GOP Rep. to Trump: ‘Stop complaining and do your job’

Former GOP congressman David Jolly says President Trump needs to “stop complaining and do his job.”

Jolly, appearing Monday on CNN’s “New Day,” urged Trump to “stop taking on fake news, stop taking on the judiciary, stop taking on Senators, John McCain, do your job.”

The former Representative from Florida, who lost his re-election bid in November to former Gov. Charlie Crist, also chastised the Republican Party for not doing enough to stand up to the President.

Jolly told CNN’s Chris Cuomo that Republicans in Congress are falling into two camps.

“One is they’re scared their political career will be destroyed by a tweet from President Trump. The other is stay silent and pass an agenda,” he said.

“We need a Congress who speaks up against a President who has shown in the past 30 days some very risky behavior as the Chief Executive,” he added.

Jolly said Trump also must do more to help his own party.

“President Trump needs to stop creating such chaos for members of Congress and fellow Republicans … because Republicans should be proud to have a Republican president,” Jolly said.

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