Golf diplomacy teed up at the Winter White House

President Donald Trump took a swing at golf diplomacy Saturday in Palm Beach, inviting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to join him at his course in Florida for a weekend of sun and diplomacy.

The two started the day at the Trump International Golf Course in Jupiter, Florida, teeing off in the morning under blue skies and temperate mid-seventy degree weather.

A source familiar with the President’s plans tells CNN that the two rode in the golf cart together and were making it through the rounds pretty quickly.

South Africa professional golfer Ernie Els joined the group as well.

Midway through the day, the President tweeted that he was having “a great time” hosting Abe on his golf course.

Trump wore his signature Make America Great Again hat, opting for a white shade in the tropical weather.

During a photo op in the Oval office on Friday, the President observed that Minister Abe had “strong hands” and motioned a golf swing as foreign and domestic press snapped photos. Trump remarked several times that he was looking forward to hosting the Japanese leader at his home in Florida for the weekend.

During his predecessor’s tenure in office, Trump was very critical of former President Barack Obama’s time on the golf course. In September 2012 he tweeted, “Obama should play golf with Republicans & opponents rather than his small group of friends. That way maybe the terrible gridlock would end.”

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