Sen. Lindsey Graham: Silencing Sen. Elizabeth Warren ‘was long overdue’

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham says the silencing of Sen. Elizabeth Warren on the Senate floor Tuesday was “long overdue.”

The South Carolina senator appeared on the Mike Gallagher Show Wednesday, where he said Warren reading the letter from Coretta Scott King — in which she expressed opposition to Jeff Sessions’ nomination to the federal bench in 1986 — was defamatory to Sessions, now an Alabama senator. The Massachusetts Democrat was ruled to be in violation of Senate rules for impugning another senator.

“The bottom line is, it was long overdue with her,” he said. “I mean, she is clearly running for the nomination in 2020.”

“The Democratic Party is being pushed really hard by the most extreme voices in their community, and they just don’t know how to handle it,” he added. “If they empower her, then I think the Democratic Party is gonna lose way with the vast majority of the American people.”

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