Trump defends travel ban ahead of court hearing

President Donald Trump said Tuesday his travel ban is “common sense” and that the challenge to the ban may make it to the Supreme Court.

During a meeting with sheriffs at the White House, the President was pressed by a reporter about how far he’s willing to take his legal defense of the travel ban. Trump said he’s going to take it through the system, explaining that “it’s very important for the country” for it to be successful.

“We’re not allowed to be tough on the people coming in? Explain that one. So we’ll see what happens. We have a big court case. We’re well represented and we’re going to see what happens,” he said.

When asked if the case will make it to the Supreme Court, the President said hopefully it doesn’t have to. “Some things are law, and I’m all in favor of that,” he said.

“I actually can’t believe that we’re having to fight to protect the security, in a court system, to protect the security of our nation. I can’t even believe it. And a lot of people agree with us, believe me,” he added.

The Ninth District Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco will hear oral arguments Tuesday evening not on whether or not the travel ban is constitutional, but whether it will remain suspended for now.

Trump’s executive order last month bars citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries — Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen — from entering the US for 90 days, all refugees for 120 days and indefinitely halts refugees from Syria.

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