Seattle Symphony hosts concert to support immigrants

What does music from Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen have in common?

Pieces drawn from those nations are due to be performed Wednesday at the free “Music Beyond Borders: Voices from the Seven” concert put on by the Seattle Symphony.

Under an order issued by President Donald Trump, citizens of the seven Muslim-majority countries were banned in late January from entering the United States for 90 days. Refugees were barred for 120 days, with Syrian refugees banned indefinitely.

A federal judge put a nationwide hold on the ban last Friday. Appeals are pending.

Faced with the chaotic aftermath of Trump’s order, the Seattle Symphony opted to perform a free concert showcasing music from the seven nations. The group said its goal is to bring the community together to celebrate the freedom of expression, especially in times of conflict.

Within hours, all of the free tickets to the concert had been claimed by eager music fans. The orchestra plans to stream the show on Facebook Live so everyone can enjoy the music. The concert begins at 7:30pm PST.

You can view the concert from their Facebook page here.

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