Darrell Issa worried about the pace of Trump’s executive actions

California Rep. Darrell Issa says he is concerned about the pace in which President Donald Trump’s executive actions have been issued during his first two weeks in office.

“We all anticipated orders to eliminate executive orders that were … thought to be an overreach or inappropriate, but we are concerned,” Issa told Party People host Kevin Madden in a recent conversation.

The California congressman went on to say Trump could risk resembling former President Barack Obama when it comes to executive actions.

“I do think this President will be judged by legislative initiatives that will move in the first hundred days, more than by executive orders that do make him look a little like President Obama unless he’s careful,” Issa said.

Among those actions, Issa critiqued the Trump administration’s roll out of the executive order on refugees, saying mistakes could have been avoided, saying the White House should have worked more closely with the Homeland Security secretary retired Gen. John Kelly.

“General Kelly should have been the point of contact to say, ‘I’ve got the President’s executive order, here is the guidance for how we’re going to implement it,’ Issa said. “Had they essentially taken seven more days, and gone through the process of what are the ramifications, they probably would have caught almost all of what people would view as mistakes.”

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