Did Sweden’s deputy PM just take a swipe at Trump?

Sweden’s deputy prime minister appeared to take a subtle jab at President Donald Trump Friday with a tweeted image of her signing a bill that bears a close resemblance to a photo of him signing an executive order last week.

Isabella Lövin, Sweden’s deputy prime minister and minister for international development cooperation and climate, tweeted in English an image of her signing a document — surrounded by a group of stern-looking female colleagues.

“Just signed referral of Swedish #climate law, binding all future governments to net zero emissions by 2045. For a safer and better future,” the tweet reads. She also shared the post on Facebook.

The picture evoked comparisons to Trump signing an executive order in the Oval Office last week reinstating a federal ban on funding for international non-governmental organizations that provide abortions, known as the “Mexico City Policy.” While he signed it, he was surrounded by men.

“This group just made it more difficult for women to get access to health care worldwide. You tell me what’s wrong with this picture,” California Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris tweeted at the time.

“Donald Trump signs an anti-abortion executive order surrounded by men,” the Planned Parenthood Action Fund Twitter account said.

According to The Local, when asked about the similarities between the two images, Lövin would only tell the Swedish media outlet, “We are a feminist government, which shows in this photo. Ultimately it is up to the observer to interpret the photo.”

A message left with the White House seeking response was not immediately returned.

Trump has regularly criticized the international Paris climate agreement signed by the US during the Obama administration. Last month, Trump said he would “cancel” US involvement in the deal.

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