Travel ban protests stretch into third day from US to UK

Americans from coast to coast took to the streets for the third consecutive day in support of immigrants and refugees affected by President Donald Trump’s controversial travel ban.

Signed Friday, the executive order bars refugees from entering the country for 120 days, and immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim nations for the next three months.

Protesters in Columbus, Ohio, shared videos on social media of police pepper spraying a crowd that refused to disperse. Otherwise, no arrests or disturbances were reported from demonstrations in front of state capitols and universities Monday challenging what participants called a discriminatory policy against Muslims.

Trump has denied that his executive order is a Muslim ban, saying “this is not about religion — this is about terror and keeping our country safe.”

But in signs and chants, protesters across the United States proclaimed the order un-American. Large crowds gathered in front of New York’s Columbia University condemning the order. They waved signs declaring “No one is illegal” and urging the public to “Resist Trump.”

Outside the Ohio statehouse in Columbus, protesters chanted “No hate, no fear, refugees are welcome here.” Later in the evening, police pepper sprayed demonstrators after they refused to get out of the street, protesters Daniel Maxwell and Tieryn Terrell told CNN. Columbus Police did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

On Monday, the mayor of Columbus, Andrew Ginther had announced that the city would accept refugees and that its money and resources wouldn’t be used to detect and arrest someone based on immigration status.

In Washington, House and Senate Democrats stood outside the Supreme Court and vowed to protest until Trump withdraws the policy, saying that it would worsen the threat of terrorism.

“This order is against what we believe in in America,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said. “It will make us unsafe because it will encourage those who are lone wolves as they get more and more isolated, which is our greatest danger.”

Outrage crosses borders

The demonstrations in America followed a day of peaceful marches across the United Kingdom.

Londoners, incensed by Trump’s new immigration policies, took to the streets from Trafalgar Square to Parliament Square — a roughly half-mile stretch wedged between St. James Park and the Thames River that includes 10 Downing Street.

The throng lifted signs above their heads and chanted, “Hey, hey! Ho, ho! Donald Trump has got to go!”

Their placards — not all rated PG — made clear protesters’ message to the American President.

“Refugees welcome here,” read a sign. Another said, “Compassion not complicity.” One more repudiation of the travel ban read, “Your hate does not belong in our country.” Illustrations of Trump controlling UK Prime Minister Theresa May like a marionette were also popular.

Social media activity showed London wasn’t alone. Demonstrations were taking place in several United Kingdom cities Monday evening.

In Glasgow, Scotland, protesters took to George Square to express their displeasure, with one attendee holding a sign that said, “Trumpty Numpty wants a big wall, Trumpty Numpty really should FALL.” In the capital of Edinburgh, marchers carried a “Scotland against Trump” banner down a main thoroughfare.

In Manchester, Brighton and Hove, Ipswich, Newcastle, Bristol and Falmouth, protesters braved the cold — and in Bristol, a chilly rain — to make their voices heard.

A weekend of protests

The protests in England and Scotland came on the heels of a weekend of American demonstrations targeting the travel ban.

Airports where detained travelers were held became the focal point, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington, Dallas, New York’s JFK, Raleigh, Houston, Seattle, Portland and Atlanta.

Protesters also converged at major landmarks, including the White House, Boston’s Copley Square and Battery Park in Manhattan.

More than 10,000 people arrived at Battery Park, City Hall said, to hear from the likes of New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, Rep. Nydia Velazquez and Sens. Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand and Cory Booker, all Democrats.

At airports, the crowds waved signs in solidarity with travelers stuck inside — students, doctors, professors and refugees. They cheered as affected travelers left airports and reunited with loved ones.

At Terminal 4 of John F. Kennedy International Airport, protesters decried the detention of two Iraqis who were later released.

Airport officials for the most part accommodated the protests, temporarily closing security checkpoints and diverting traffic to make room for demonstrators.

At the Philadelphia airport, police closed lanes of traffic to vehicles to make room for demonstrators singing the classic Woody Guthrie protest song, “This Land Is Your Land.”

At Chicago O’Hare Airport, immigration lawyers set up with their laptops, forming a makeshift legal clinic to help travelers arriving from the banned countries.

While the protest at Portland International Airport remained largely peaceful, at times Trump supporters and protesters clashed, forcing airport police to move in. A Port of Portland and airport spokesperson told CNN affiliate KOIN 6 News that one person was assaulted during the protest and “removed for medical care.”

By Sunday night, everyone who had been detained in the initial halt of Friday’s executive order had either been released into the United States or put on a plane out of the country, Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman Gillian Christensen said.

She added that 392 green card holders, or lawful permanent residents, were given exemptions and entered the country.

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