Flynn takes a page from Colin Powell at NSC

Amid controversy over the reshuffling of the National Security Council, National Security Adviser Michael Flynn penned a memo to the each of the Cabinet departments in the NSC striking a conciliatory tone.

The NSC staff “must accurately consider the views and respect the equities of all our government’s departments and agencies,” Flynn wrote on Monday.

His memo also referenced former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who served as National Security Adviser under President Ronald Reagan.

“(Powell) told the secretaries of state and defense and other principals that he worked for them. In that spirit, I promise that our team will adhere to a disciplined process that will be of the highest standards,” Flynn said.

In the past, Flynn has broached ambitious reforms of the NSC staff, calling its structure under the last administration “bloated” and inefficient.

His conciliatory tone could cast some light on how the White House may choose to interact with the various departments charged with executing national security.

But much of the debate over the NSC in recent days has centered on Trump’s decision to formally include his chief political strategist Steve Bannon on the principals committee.

While he has been seen accompanying Trump to his meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Friday and sitting in on calls with foreign leaders like Russian president Vladimir Putin, Flynn has largely been quiet since inauguration day.

His last public remarks were at a pre-inaugural event earlier this month at the US Institute for Peace where he appeared with his predecessor, Susan Rice.

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