Vice President Mike Pence is right at home at the March for Life

In his first major address as Vice President, Mike Pence will champion a cause that he tirelessly spoke about on the campaign trail: his anti-abortion stance.

The vice president announced on Twitter Thursday evening that he will be addressing the March for Life, an anti-abortion annual march in Washington.

In the tweet, the vice president said he was “honored to meet with Pro-Life leaders in my office tonight,” and included a picture of Pence addressing a group in his office.

It will be friendly territory for the former Indiana governor, who many viewed as an Evangelical and conservative Christian presence on the Republican ticket. Pence spoke often and freely of his opposition to abortion on the campaign trail, which is deeply linked to his Christian faith.

Friday’s message follows President Donald Trump re-signing the Mexico City executive order, banning non-governmental groups from performing and promoting abortions.

In one of his biggest solo appearances on the campaign trail in October, Pence received a standing ovation from Liberty University students as he declared, “I’m pro life and I don’t apologize for it.”

During that passionate speech, Pence said, “I believe a society can be judged by how it deals with its most vulnerable. The aged. The infirm. The disabled. And the unborn.”

Pence promised on the trail that if elected, he and Trump would “embrace a culture of life in America” and sign a bill banning late-term abortions.

He also promised to uphold the Hyde Amendment, which he said would prevent the use of taxpayer dollars to fund “that which millions of Americans find to be morally objectionable.”

During the Voter Values Summit in September, Pence told a Washington ballroom of conservative activists that he would “send Roe versus Wade to the ash heap of history where it belongs,” a line that elicited cheers and applause to the hundreds of attendees. The line was a constant crowd-pleaser on the trail ranging from Iowa to Florida.

Pence, who described himself on the stump as “a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican,” said at the time, “I’m truly grateful for Donald Trump’s strong commitment to the sanctity of life. He understands the moral imperative of advancing the cause of life, and we’ve spoken of it many times.”

He also frequently referenced his anti-abortion rights initiatives as governor of Indiana, pointing to millions of dollars of additional funding that he provided to crisis pregnancy centers so that “women facing crisis pregnancy have more choices before them and can choose life.”

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