Trump White House: Day 4

It’s Day 4 of the Trump administration, and the President had a busy day to kick off his first work week. Three executive actions and meetings with both CEOs and union leaders are among the highlights. White House press secretary Sean Spicer held court with the press for over an hour, hitting topics ranging from Obamacare to immigration.


He withdrew the US from TPP, upholding a major campaign promise. Labor union leaders applauded him in their meeting and Sen. John McCain called it a “serious mistake.” Five things you need to know about the withdrawal.


He reinstated the so-called Mexico City policy that blocks federal funding for family planning charities around the globe that either provide abortions or related information.


He instituted a federal hiring freeze except for military personnel, a detail he voiced while signing the order.


After Trump’s executive order over the weekend, where does Obamacare move from here?
GOP Sens. Susan Collins and Bill Cassidy introduced an Obamacare replacement bill on Monday, which would give states the option of keeping or opting out of Obamacare. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer slammed the proposal as a “empty façade.”
On NBC’s Sunday TODAY, White House adviser Kellyanne Conway said block granting Medicaid funds would be part of Trump’s replacement plan.
The New York Times reports on the revived proposal of high-risk pools to get people covered after Obamacare’s repeal.
Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards told “The Axe Files” that repealing Obamacare will “create havoc” for women in America.
Bloomberg reviews how the deep-red state of Kentucky implemented and marketed its Obamacare exchanges and Medicaid expansion without using the term Obamacare.


Trade experts questioned how Trump’s TPP move will benefit the US Withdrawing from TPP could open the door for China to become the global leader for free trade.
What else can Trump accomplish by himself on trade? Here are three more ways Trump can change current US trade policy without Congress.
Traditionally pro-free trade Republicans may not be so willing to let Trump have his way when it comes to trade. Several top Republicans in Congress urged caution in leaving or renegotiating NAFTA.
With UK Prime Minister Theresa May visiting Washington later this week, what is the likelihood (or lack thereof) of a US-UK trade deal actually getting done?


On Inauguration Day, CNN visited Sherman Immigration Court, considered the “toughest immigration court” in the US


Trump and his OMB nominee Mick Mulvaney may clash over a number of fiscal policies — including infrastructure spending, entitlements, tax cuts and the debt ceiling.


In his meeting with top CEOs Monday morning, Trump promised to “massively” cut corporate taxes, but also threatened to impose a “substantial border tax” on companies that move manufacturing overseas.


Spicer spoke strongly in favor of the Dakota Access and Keystone Pipelines at his press briefing today, reiterating Trump’s campaign stance on the issue.
Axios got hold of Trump’s plans for the EPA, and conclude that the agency “is set for an absolute hammering.”
E&E News reports that after Trump’s election, the CDC quietly canceled a climate change summit scheduled for February.


The Pennsylvania Turnpike released images of a fractured truss on a major bridge connecting Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The bridge was shut down on Friday, and commuters in the area are advised to expect “extreme” delays in the coming weeks.


Tom Price’s hearing with the Senate Finance Committee – 10 am ET


California Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat, is set to give his state of the state address to a joint session of the state legislature. California has seen a flurry of activity ahead of Trump’s inauguration with local and state officials preparing for immigration action by the new administration.


Govs. Terry McAuliffe, a Virginia Democrat, and Brian Sandoval, a Nevada Republican, speak in DC in their capacity as chair and vice chair of the National Governors Association, focusing on “governors’ collective priorities … including state-federal priorities for the new administration and Congress,” per a release. The NGA holds its winter meeting one month from now in DC, which is expected to include meetings with Trump and Cabinet officials.


Senate Democrats hold their retreat (Weds/Thurs) in Sherpherdstown, West Virginia, while a combined House and Senate Republicans hold their retreat (Weds/Thurs/Fri) in Philadelphia, with Trump expected to attend Thursday.


The UK’s May is expected to discuss a post-Brexit US/UK deal with Trump at their White House meeting.

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