Trump to meet congressional leaders Monday at the White House

President Donald Trump will welcome bipartisan congressional leaders to the White House early Monday night, his first gathering with the group since taking the oath of office.

The 5 p.m. reception for Hill leaders is also expected to touch on Trump’s legislative agenda. Key issues include an array of big-ticket items from the repeal and replace of the Affordable Care Act to tax reform and a sizable infrastructure bill. The proposals must pass through Congress, making his relationships with lawmakers in both parties exceedingly important in the weeks and months ahead.

Trump will then meet separately at 6 p.m. with House Speaker Paul Ryan, according to the White House schedule issued Sunday night. The Wisconsin Republican is considered key to the President’s chances of enacting his proposals in Congress.

Trump has also been pressing for Congress to confirm his Cabinet nominees. Only two nominees have been confirmed so far with a third, Rep. Mike Pompeo, Trump’s pick to lead the CIA, expected to be confirmed on Monday. Senate Republicans and Democrats have engaged in a public fight in recent days over the speed of the eventual confirmation votes.

Republicans have argued Democrats are slow-walking the nominees and have fallen far short of the pace from confirmations of previous administrations. Democrats have countered that Trump’s picks have been slow to disclose their financial and ethics paperwork and, given the extensive private business ties of many, are being pushed through without proper vetting.

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