Trump supporters, protesters, share ‘Kumbaya’ moment

Amid the fanfare and protests around Washington, a passing photographer caught a touching moment of unity shared between Trump supporters and protesters.

While Ben Von Klemperer waited for the inaugural parade, he paused to take photos, spotting the protesters and Trump supporters. Von Klemperer said they were just hanging out together, despite what one would imagine would be palpable tension between the four.

“They were being exceedingly cordial to one another, even joking about the disparity of their signs,” he told CNN’s David Williams.

According to Von Klemperer, someone on the sidewalk suggested the four would probably get along if they met in another context. With little the surprise, they all agreed.

“It was a nice little ‘Kumbaya’ moment amid the large divisions in the electorate right now,” Von Klemperer said.

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