Tapper: Trump inaugural speech among the ‘most radical’ ever

CNN’s Jake Tapper reacted to President Trump’s inaugural speech Friday, saying it was among the most radical inaugural speeches in American history.

“It was very consistent to the Trump brand, absolutely,” Tapper said , speaking moments after Trump finished his first address as President. “I have to say, I think it’s fair to say this is one of the most radical inaugural speeches we’ve ever heard.”

“It was purely populist,” continued Tapper. “It talked about the forgotten people. It attacked Washington while standing inside the center of Washington, D.C., surrounded by Washington insiders.”

Trump took the oath of office Friday from Chief Justice John Roberts then delivered an inaugural address that focused on the populist themes that fueled his outsider run for the presidency.

“A new national pride will stir our souls, lift our sights and heal our divisions,” Trump said. “[Y]ou will never be ignored again.”

“Whether we are black or brown or white we all bleed the same red blood of patriots,” he added.

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