After 8,200 round trip train rides, Joe Biden heads home

CNN rode the rails with former Vice President Joe Biden as he took the train from Washington to Wilmington, Delaware, following President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Biden rode with his wife, Jill.

This is the first time in eight years that Biden has taken the train with a ticket actually in his name. Usually he rides with a ticket without a name for security reasons.

CNN: What were your last words to (former President) Obama when you saw him off?

Biden: I said I’ll see you in a couple of weeks, which I will.

CNN: Have you set up regular times to meet?

Biden: We are going to see a lot of each other. We have got a lot of work we are going to do together and look, I know it sounds corny, but we are close friends. For example, as we were meeting (Vice President) Pence’s and the president elect — now president — for that tea, our little granddaughter was being hustled out because she spent the night. She and Sasha (Obama)spent the night together. So … she said, ‘Sorry pop, I couldn’t see you.’ But I couldn’t come down.

CNN: This train is part of your personal story. Do you find yourself reflecting more while you are on here? What does it mean riding out?

Biden: What I used to do, literally, is: you ride along here at night going home. And you look out. You look in the windows and you see the lights on and think about — I always, I mean this sincerely — what is going on at that kitchen table? What are people thinking about? What are their real worries?

I have made over — they actually calculated it, the conductors — 8,200 round trips, over 2 million miles on Amtrak. Two hundred and fifty nine miles round trip a day, not everyday, but on average 217 days a year. This is my family and this is why I wanted to go home, the way I came.

Jill Biden: Full circle

Biden: Full circle. Going home to Delaware, the people I owe. And I really do owe them.

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