White House Press Secretary: The work of journalists has never been more important

White House press secretary Josh Earnest reflected on his time at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Wednesday, telling CNN the “role of journalists in our democracy has never been more important.”

“The White House Press Corps has a responsibility to hold people in power accountable and to ask tough questions,” he said, adding, “that can be uncomfortable even for people doing the right thing for the right reasons but it’s necessary for our democracy and for the next four years.”

Speaking to CNN’s Chris Cuomo, Earnest reflected on his ten years of service both in front of cameras and behind the scenes, saying he had “been inspired” by President Barack Obama and believed the administration had “moved the country in the right direction.”

“It’s never been about just punching the clock from 9:00 to 5:00. I’m speaking with conviction about a vision for the country that resonates with me” he said.

Earnest made it clear he was “profoundly disappointed by the outcome of the election” but stressed how important it is for America not to lose sight of its core values.

For more on the last days of the Obama White House, watch “The End” tonight at 9 p.m. ET on CNN.

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