Whats on the agenda for Wednesday in Washington

After the long weekend, another busy week in Washington continues with more confirmation hearings, President-elect Donald Trump inauguration preparation, and President Barack Obama farewells.

Here’s what’s going on in Washington on Wednesday:

Confirmation hearing for UN Ambassador

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is set to sit for the Senate Foreign Relations committee at 10 a.m. If confirmed, Haley will represent the United States as Ambassador to the United Nations. Tuesday, CNN reported Haley is expected to question to United States’ funding of the organization and the UN’s treatment of Israel in her opening statement. Haley, a Republican who is some call a rising star in the party, served as the first woman and minority governor in South Carolina. But critics argue Haley lacks in international experience.

Confirmation hearing for Health and Human Services secretary

Georgia Rep. Tom Price is vying for the head of HHS, and will face the US Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions at 10 a.m. If approved, Price would have a large hand in revising the nation’s health care system. The congressman and orthopedic surgeon has been a significant critic of the Affordable Care Act, and has worked to dismantle the law in the past. But Price is now under scrutiny after CNN reported he may have purchased a questionable stock.

Confirmation hearing for secretary of commerce

Wilbur Ross is scheduled to appear in front of the Commerce, Science and Transportation committee at 10 a.m. Ross is an investor, who is known as the “King of Bankruptcy” and has made billions off of buying failing companies.

Confirmation hearing for EPA administrator

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt’s hearing for head of the Environmental Protection Agency with the Environment and Public Works committee is at 10 a.m. Pruitt has sued the agency over regulations in the past, and is known as a “denier” of climate science. CNN reported that Pruitt is expected to discuss limitations of regulations during his testimony.

Obama’s final press conference

Obama will also hold his final scheduled news conference as President at 2:15 p.m.

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