Corker: Full Senate to decide on Tillerson even if panel votes ‘no’

In an unusual move, Republicans plan on bringing Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of state before the full Senate for a vote even if he does not earn the support of the foreign relations panel.

Bob Corker, who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told CNN’s Manu Raju Tuesday that he would “absolutely” offer former ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson for a floor vote even if he is not given the blessing of his committee, which oversees the nomination.

“I plan on moving Tillerson to the floor,” Corker said. “Without getting into all the machinations, I would expect there to be a vote of Rex Tillerson on the floor and I expect him to be confirmed.”

Corker said the committee vote would likely happen Monday. Any single Republican can present an obstacle to his nomination should all Democrats vote against him. Some Republicans on the panel, most prominently Marco Rubio of Florida, have expressed deep concern about Tillerson’s ties to Russia and its leader, Vladimir Putin.

Corker said he had not spoken to Rubio recently about his thinking, but he predicted some Democrats would also support Tillerson.

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