Transition Tracker: Trump, GOP lawmakers yet to get on the same page

From Obamacare to tax policy, President-elect Donald Trump and his fellow GOPers in Congress agree on the big picture ideas, but those pesky details are causing some disagreements.

What’s clear three days before Trump takes the oath is that it will take some time for all of them to reach a consensus on his key priorities — if they ever do. For instance, Trump wants an Obamacare replacement in place right away, and he’s not a fan of House Speaker Paul Ryan’s “border adjustment tax.” Details, details …


A new CBO report estimates that 18 million Americans could lose their insurance if Obamacare is repealed without a replacement. No one is proposing just a repeal, but the report is good fodder for Democrats.
Sen. Susan Collins said on the floor that she “rejects” repeal without replace and says there is “a growing consensus…that we must fix Obamacare and provide reforms at nearly the same time.” The Maine Republican’s press team said this is in-line with her previous statements and that it is “premature” to say how she’d vote.
Sen. Chuck Schumer told CNN that Dr. Tom Price may have broken the law with his purchase of Zimmer Biomet stock, a story CNN’s Manu Raju broke.
Price’s signature issue in Congress is health care, so why wouldn’t he want to lay out his Obamacare replacement proposal at his upcoming hearings? Here’s why.
Trump’s comment that he wants “insurance for everybody” continues to stir confusion on Capitol Hill.
Congressional Republicans now find themselves in the uncomfortable position of needing to support and fund the Obamacare subsidies they have spoken out against over the years, until they enact a replacement.


In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Trump called the border tax adjustment — pushed by Ryan — “too complicated,” and added, “Anytime I hear border adjustment, I don’t love it … because usually it means we’re going to get adjusted into a bad deal.”
Ryan’s press secretary pushed back Tuesday saying: “We’re very confident we’ll get it through.” Here are some of the difference between Trump and Ryan on taxes, as well as an excellent explanation of the border adjustment proposal.
Trump’s comments sent the value of the US dollar down, as fears rose that he would follow through on his tariff threats.
Commerce secretary nominee Wilbur Ross has his Senate hearing on Wednesday. Here’s what to expect.


The Dallas Morning News takes a good look at the uncertainty the undocumented community is feeling as Trump gets closer to taking office.
Fallout from Obama’s reversal of the “wet foot, dry foot” policy for Cubans is already being felt. The Miami Herald reported on a Cuban couple that was detained while visiting their children in Miami.
Politico has more on California’s plans and mindset.

TRADE/IMMIGRATION — A brewing battle — at the brewery. “Corona is going through a serious Trump hangover.”

ENVIRONMENT — Trump’s Interior nominee Ryan Zinke told his Senate hearing that he will review Obama’s limits on oil and gas drilling on public lands, but also acknowledged it is “indisputable” that man has had an impact on climate change, which he also said is not a hoax.

INFRASTRUCTURE –The Washington Post hears from economists bashing Trump’s plan ahead of Ross’ confirmation hearing.

TRADE — A new CNN/ORC poll found 71% say Trump will impose tariffs on companies that manufacture goods in Mexico and 61% expect him to renegotiate NAFTA .



10am ET confirmation hearing of Scott Pruitt to be EPA administrator.
A new Yale survey will be released showing where Americans stand on climate change.


10am ET confirmation hearing of Wilbur Ross to be commerce secretary


10am ET confirmation hearing of Tom Price to be HHS secretary.



10am ET confirmation hearing of Rick Perry to be energy secretary


Multiple GOP governors are expected to take part in a meeting hosted by the Senate Finance Committee to talk about Medicaid. Governing magazine has an excellent rundown of where all GOP governors stand on repeal and replace.

FRIDAY — TRUMP INAUGURATION!! — Trump may sign some executive orders on the first day, but word from the transition team is Monday will be a much busier day on that front.

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