Giuliani to advise Trump administration on cybersecurity

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team announced Thursday that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani “will be sharing his expertise and insight as a trusted friend concerning private sector cybersecurity problems and emerging solutions developing in the private sector.”

Giuliani is the CEO of Giuliani Partners, an international security consulting firm. The group recently struck a deal with BlackBerry to offer companies and governments cybersecurity support.

Further details about Giuliani’s role were not defined in the statement, which also said Trump will be hosting occasional meetings with corporate executives to solicit advice on how to fight cybercrime.

Speaking to reporters at Trump Tower in Manhattan, Giuliani said he would be responsible for finding corporate leaders and setting up meetings with Trump, likening such a meeting to a doctor bringing together cancer researchers in a single room.

“There’s an awful lot of research going on. It’s going to be my job to bring these people to the President so they can share their problems and solutions,” Giuliani said.

Trump announced last month that the former mayor would not serve in his Cabinet. Giuliani had been considered a candidate for secretary of state.

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