Sanders: Dems might not ‘do the right thing’ on SCOTUS

Bernie Sanders said Senate Democratic leaders discussed Monday whether the party would flatly oppose any nominee President-elect Donald Trump selects for the Supreme Court, just as Republicans did last year to President Barack Obama’s choice of Merrick Garland.

Speaking at a town hall in Washington sponsored by CNN and moderated by Chris Cuomo, Sanders blasted Republicans for acting “shamefully and outrageously” on the Garland nomination. He suggested Democrats may not “do the right thing” and instead adopt the GOP’s tactics.

“I think the solution of the problem would be if Mr. Trump in fact nominated someone who is not, you know, an extreme right-winger, as I fear he might,” he said.

Obama nominated Garland last year to fill the seat of the late Justice Antonin Scalia but the Senate never moved on the pick.

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