Klobuchar: Experts should help investigate Russia hacking

Sen. Amy Klobuchar said Monday Congress should authorize a bipartisan commission of experts to supplement the current Capitol Hill investigations into what 17 US intelligence agencies have concluded was a Russian plot to interfere in the US election.

The Minnesota senator reiterated her belief that a special expert-led investigation into the cyberintrusions allegedly perpetrated by the Russians would reveal more than any standard congressional inquiry.

“When you look back through history — say the 9/11 Commission — you had a group of people who were devoted to working on something, not just looking at what happened in the past — which is important — but using the past to make recommendations for the future,” she told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “The Lead.” “This wouldn’t be a bunch of politicians, Jake, this would be experts.”

President-elect Donald Trump has encouraged the country to “move on” to more pressing problems.

Klobuchar also brushed back any blame cast on the Obama administration for inadequate cybersecurity, saying it was the country as a whole that was unprepared for the attacks.

“I don’t think we were ready to think that a major nation like Russia would get into this kind of mess,” she said. “Do I wish we had done things differently? Yes. Do I wish we had responded more quickly? Yes,” she said. “But my question now is how do we work together across the aisle to respond more quickly.”

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