Tiger Woods says he was impressed by Trump’s golf game

Tiger Woods says President-elect Donald Trump is a pretty good golfer for a 70-year-old.

“What most impressed me was how far he hits the ball at 70 years old,” Woods wrote on his blog Thursday. “He takes a pretty good lash.”

The two played golf last month at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach in Florida. Trump posted a photo on his Facebook page December 24 that included his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., and one of his granddaughters, Kai Trump, posing with Woods on a golf course.

Woods said their “discussion topics were wide-ranging” and had “fun” playing with him.

“We both enjoyed the bantering, bickering and needling,” he wrote. “I also shared my vision for golf and what I’m trying to do.”

Woods said he appreciated the opportunity to play with the President-elect.

“I’ve now had the privilege of playing golf with Mr. Trump, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama,” he said, “and I appreciate the opportunity.”

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