Steven Mnuchin, Tom Price turn over tax returns to Senate committee

Donald Trump’s picks to be treasury secretary and the head of the Department of Health and Human Services have both turned over their tax returns for the past three years to the Senate Finance Committee ahead of their hearings, a committee source tells CNN Tuesday.

Former Goldman Sachs executive Steven Mnuchin and Rep. Tom Price have submitted their tax returns and completed questionnaires to the Senate panel.

The committee does not plan to release or post the tax returns.

No dates have been announced yet for their hearings, and the source said that won’t happen until “the bipartisan vetting process is complete.”

Senate Democrats have already signaled that they plan to scrutinize Price’s recent stock trades over the last four years during the confirmation process. Under the 2012 law known as the “STOCK Act” members of Congress are required to file regular reports on specific financial transactions to ensure they are not violating insider trading laws.

There is no evidence that Price broke any laws, but after reports by the Wall Street Journal and CQ/Roll Call that Price traded some stocks from medical and pharmaceutical companies, Democrats said they could raise some ethical questions.

Trump was widely criticized by election observers, Democrats and Republicans for refusing to release his tax returns while he was a candidate. The real estate mogul said he would release his returns after an audit was completed.

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