Trump’s main speechwriter to craft inaugural remarks

Stephen Miller, Donald Trump’s campaign speechwriter and an occasional warm-up act for him on the campaign trail, has been tasked with writing Trump’s inaugural address.

Miller is drafting the remarks to be delivered at the Capitol on January 20, Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller confirmed, a speech sure to be watched closely around the globe given the upheaval Trump has promised to bring to national and global politics. The assignment was first reported by Politico.

Stephen Miller’s task is not surprising, given that he has been the primary writer of Trump’s major sets of remarks, including his speech at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this summer.

Miller was an early Trump hire and came from the staff of Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, who is now Trump’s nominee to be US attorney general.

The speech will delve into the education system, infrastructure, border security, the state of the military, the economy and the outsourcing of jobs, Trump’s spokesman said.

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