Gingrich: Obama ‘desperate frenzy’ to save legacy

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich in an interview that aired Sunday compared President Barack Obama’s legacy to a deflating doll and argued Obama is in a “desperate frenzy” to save it.

“His legacy is like one of those dolls that, as the air comes out of it, shrinks and shrinks and shrinks,” Gingrich said. “He’s in this desperate frenzy.”

Gingrich, a vice chairman of President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team, made the comments as he pointed to executive actions Obama has taken just weeks before he surrenders the presidency to Trump.

The Obama administration last week nixed regulations that could have been used to reboot the George W. Bush administration’s program known as NSEERS, the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System, which required men under 25 from many Muslim-majority countries to register with US immigration authorities. Trump called for banning foreign Muslims from the US during his campaign.

Obama also took action to ban offshore drilling in areas of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans indefinitely citing environmental reasons, a move aimed at making it more difficult for Trump to undo his legacy of progress on climate change issues.

Obama has also been shipping prisoners out of Guantanamo Bay to reduce its population, although Trump has vowed to “load up” the detention facility.

Trump repeatedly vowed during the campaign to undo many of the executive actions Obama implemented during his presidency.

Gingrich argued that much of Obama’s legacy is tied to executive actions, “almost all of which will be repudiated by Trump.”

While Gingrich did not hold his fire, Trump has largely avoided criticizing Obama during the transition to power and has repeatedly sought out Obama’s counsel as he prepares to take office.

Obama has also avoided criticizing the President-elect and has said he would continue to be available to counsel Trump after he is inaugurated.

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