Six New Year’s Resolutions for Kids

Now that 2017 is just around the corner, have you thought about setting a new goal?

Maybe it’s to learn a new language or to play an instrument. Maybe you can plan a visit to your closest National Park (Fourth graders, you can get in for free!).

Whatever is important to you, here are six suggestions from to get your new year started:

  1. Make smart food choices. We all love great tasting food, but some choices can make you healthier and stronger than others. Test your knowledge about food and how to eat healthy with these games.
  2. Save money for something you want. Budgeting is easy, but you have to be patient. Learn about earning, saving and responsible spending.
  3. Read more. Whether you decide to start your own collection, or borrow your favorite books from the local library, reading is a rewarding experience. Get recommendations from the Library of Congress.
  4. Protect your passwords. Create strong passwords to protect your identity on apps and online accounts and be careful about who knows them.
  5. Up your recycling game. Play Recycle This! to learn more about which stuff goes into which bin.
  6. Learn about cool careers. The future’s exciting–and it’s not too soon to start researching the kinds of jobs you’d like to try.
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