Uber stops self-driving car program in California

Uber is halting its self-driving car program in San Francisco after the California DMV revoked the registrations for the test vehicles.

“We’re now looking at where we can redeploy these cars but remain 100% committed to California and will be redoubling our efforts to develop workable statewide rules,” Uber said.

The DMV said it had revoked the registrations of 16 Uber cars “because they were not properly marked as test vehicles.” But the department added that “it stands ready to assist Uber in obtaining a permit as expeditiously as possible.”

Uber’s withdrawal of its fleet in San Francisco contrasts with its earlier resistance against the regulator. Last week, the DMV told Uber in a letter that it must cease self-driving operations on public roads and begin the process to obtain proper permits, or it would be forced to take legal action against the company.

But Uber held its ground, saying the company’s self-driving Volvos don’t fit the California DMV’s definition of autonomous vehicles.

– Laurie Segall Selena Larson and Matt McFarland contributed to this report.

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