Trump ‘closely monitoring’ terror attacks

President-elect Donald Trump is “closely monitoring” the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Germany and Turkey.

He is “regular contact with his national security team with regard to the developing situation in Europe and Turkey” and “closely monitoring and being briefed on these rapidly unfolding events,” transition spokesman Jason Miller said Tuesday.

But transition officials have not answered repeated inquiries from CNN on whether he received his daily classified briefing Tuesday, or specifically who briefed him.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence did receive the presidential daily briefing Tuesday, a transition source said, as he does almost every day.

A transition source told CNN that Pence and Trump have spoken Tuesday, as they do nearly every day, but was unable to say whether they spoke specifically about the attacks in Turkey or Berlin.

Pence is holding transition meetings in Washington Tuesday. Miller said Pence is meeting “the members of the national security team, including Gen. Mike Flynn, Gen. (John) Kelly, Gen. (James) Mattis, KT McFarland, as well as secretary of state designate Rex Tillerson. The vice president-elect will then have lunch with Rex Tillerson and then will be meeting with Gen. Kelly.”

That meeting was scheduled before the attacks Monday. A transition source said Trump was not expected to join the meeting remotely.

Aides to Trump and Pence are both unable to confirm whether the White House has been in touch with their team.

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