Obama offers up his doctor at news conference

President Barack Obama took a minute during his Friday news conference to offer up White House medial services to an individual who appeared to have fainted.

The commotion occurred amid Obama’s response to a question about conflict in the Middle East.

“We can get our doctors back there to help out,” Obama said to the crowd of reporters gathered in the White House for the final presidential news conference of 2016.

Obama paused the question-and-answer session to give the individual the opportunity to leave.

“Do you know guys know where the doctor’s office is?” Obama asked as they appeared to exit the room.

“There’s Dr. Jackson,” Obama said, presumably referring to his own doctor — Ronny Jackson, the chief White House physician. “Doctor’s in the house.”

CNN has learned that the individual was tended to by a doctor, and is not in any serious medical danger.

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