5 things for Wednesday, December 14: Trump guests, Aleppo woes and Alan Thicke

Help for Aleppo has been held up, a TV favorite passes and you’ll never guess who was at Trump Tower yesterday. Here’s what you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.

1. Aleppo

As Aleppo falls to the Syrian regime, a temporary ceasefire and evacuation plan for the city has not worked out so far. The evacuation efforts have been delayed. According to monitoring groups, no one had left the city even hours after the evacuation was supposed to happen. The new ceasefire has reportedly been broken already, as reports of executions continue to manifest.

2. Alan Thicke

The beloved sitcom actor died yesterday at 69. He was probably best known as Jason Seaver, the dad from “Growing Pains.” Here’s a tribute to that role. Thicke was also a music great who penned some of the era’s most recognizable theme songs.

3. Trump transition

Trump was definitely feeling the love Tuesday as Kanye West, Bill Gates and football legend Jim Brown all paid visits to the PEOTUS at Trump Tower in NYC. Later, the love fest continued in Wisconsin, where Trump held a “thank you” rally and praised longtime political nemesis Paul Ryan.

4. Rex Tillerson

Trump’s pick for secretary of state is fairly controversial. Critics say Tillerson, the CEO of Exxon Mobil, isn’t exactly a “drain the swamp” pick. He also has close ties to Russia and Putin, which could be a problem. Republican leaders’ reactions have varied: Senator John McCain voiced his reservations about the choice, but Senator Rand Paul says he’s keeping an “open mind.”

5. Police-involved shooting

A 73-year-old unarmed Bakersfield man was shot and killed by police on Monday. The man was reportedly carrying a crucifix which may have been mistaken for a gun. A neighbor claims the man was acting strangely. His family said the man had previously shown signs of early dementia. The officer who shot him has been placed on administrative leave.

Breakfast Browse

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And finally …

The journey of 128,000 dominoes

WHEW. Dominoes are INTENSE. (Click to view)

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