Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner plan move to DC

Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, are house hunting in Washington as they look to move from New York City to D.C., CNN has learned.

The couple’s planned move with their three children reflects the expectation that Kushner will serve as an adviser to President-elect Donald Trump in some capacity, though the precise role — potentially complicated by nepotism laws — remains to be seen.

“I think Jared Kushner, obviously [Trump’s] son-in-law is going to be very involved in decision-making,” White House chief of staff Reince Priebus said on NBC’s “Today” show the week after the election.

Kushner was also present with Trump when he first visited the White House after his victory, and was seen walking through the White House grounds and talking with current White House chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Donald Trump’s wife, Melania, and youngest son, Barron, plan to continue living at Trump Tower, at least until the school year ends in the spring.

Kushner played a significant behind-the-scenes role during the campaign, building up the Trump team’s data operation and crafting its messaging, which he discussed in an interview with Forbes — the only time Kushner has spoken publicly about Trump’s victory since the win. He has also helped lead the Trump transition effort, and was reportedly at the center of a fierce internal conflict weeks ago that led to the ouster of Chris Christie and his allies, who had previously headed the transition.

Kushner also has significant business interests in New York City — a real estate developer like his father-in-law, he owns a prized skyscraper on 666 Fifth Avenue which was acquired in a troublesome deal, and owns other valuable properties in the New Jersey and New York property markets.

Ivanka Trump, who likewise wields significant influence in the Trump world, was thought to be a contender for an advisory role in a potential administration during the campaign. She delivered a well-received speech on her father’s behalf at the Republican National Convention in July, helped shepherd the campaign’s rollout of a childcare tax credit policy, and was a fixture of the Trump campaign’s tight-knit circle of advisors.

But the president-elect has signaled that he may look to put his adult children in charge of managing his sprawling business empire while he serves as president. Trump is planning a December 15 news conference to provide details about his plan for his businesses.

Still, such a plan — which the Trump team has portrayed as a “blind trust” — would do little to preclude conflicts of interest from arising, since Trump insists he will maintain close contact with his kids while they manage the family’s international network of business interests, even as he steers US foreign policy.

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