Cops tried to catch a mountain lion on camera. Things got real weird, real fast

You’ve got to love cops with a sense of humor.

The police department in Gardner, Kansas, set up two cameras on a trail in a local park, trying to confirm reports of a mountain lion lurking in the area.

When they pulled up the images later, they saw animals alright, just not the one they expected.

What they found were pranksters dressed up as a pig …

and as a gorilla…

and as gorillas wrestling …

as some kind of monster …

and as an old person on a walker …

and as Santa Claus (’tis the season, and all).

So, did the cops in Gardner launch a manhunt to track down these nocturnal cutups?

No, they put the pictures on the department’s Facebook page instead, with a thank you.

“We would like to sincerely thank the persons responsible as it made our day,” the post read. “Thank you to the citizens who noticed the cameras. Your effort and sense of humor are greatly appreciated.”

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