5 things for Thursday, December 1: Gatlinburg, Keith Lamont Scott, OPEC

It’s December. Just 30 more days to bid this crazy year goodbye. Here’s what you need to know today to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.

1. Tennessee wildfires

The death toll from the fires that ravaged the area around Gatlinburg is up to 7 now. That number will probably rise because several people are still missing. Some help is on the way though. Dolly Parton, who grew up in the area and has a theme park there, is giving $1,000 a month to each family left homeless.

2. Charlotte shooting

The cop who killed Keith Lamont Scott won’t be charged. A North Carolina DA said Scott was holding a gun when an officer shot him back in September. The DA’s decision sparked small protests in downtown Charlotte, but nothing like the violent ones that rocked the city for days after the shooting.

3. FARC deal

Colombia’s Congress has OK’d a new peace deal with FARC rebels that it hopes will stick this time. A pact crafted earlier this year was sunk by voters, who felt it wasn’t hard enough on FARC fighters. Critics say changes in the new agreement are really just cosmetic.

4. OPEC deal

Get ready for pain at the pump. OPEC’s nailed down a deal to cut production, which means about 1.2 million fewer barrels a day starting in January. The price of crude oil has already jumped by 9% with news of the deal.


ISIS is using a new weapon against the civilians trapped in Mosul as it wages its last stand: water. A city official says the group has intentionally cut off supplies in some areas, leaving half a million people with no running water. Why? To force people to retreat with it so it can use them as human shields.


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Help wanted

There’s probably going to be some openings at a Tennessee company. Twenty employees at North American Stamping won a $420 million Powerball jackpot.

Good night

Do you love your phone? Do you love it enough to buy it a bed … for $100? If you do Arianna Huffington is willing to sell you one.

Never again

If this police force in Canada catches you driving drunk, it’s going to force you to listen to Nickelback. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment.

At least this one won’t sink

China is building an exact replica of the Titanic, in a county hundreds of miles from the ocean, because of, you know, tourism.

Oh no you didn’t

There are traces of animal fat in new British five pound notes, and vegans and vegetarians aren’t having it.

What’s for lunch

Here’s today’s must-read

Paradise lost

CNN heads to the Pacific’s Midway Atoll, which is literally being taken over by all the plastic that we toss away.


Cry baby cry

Watching babies crying in slow motion — with sound effects! — is so wrong, and yet so right. (Click to view)

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