10 requests from liberals to Obama before he leaves office

President-elect Donald Trump has threatened to undo President Barack Obama’s legacy once he takes office on January 20, 2017. However, with just over a month left before Obama leaves the White House, liberals are putting in some last minute requests for the outgoing commander-in-chief.

While many of Obama’s critics have highlighted the use of executive orders as an overreach, many of his supporters on the left are urging him to use his final days in office to take action.

Pardon Edward Snowden

Various famous faces have publicly called on the President to pardon NSA leaker Edward Snowden, including actors Maggie Gyllenhaal and Daniel Radcliffe, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, and business magnate and political activist George Soros.

Pardon 750,000 undocumented young people

Democratic Reps. Luis Gutierrez, Lucille Roybal-Allard and Zoe Lofgren urged Obama in a letter to pardon more than 750,000 undocumented young people known as “Dreamers,” and to not leave their fate in the hands of Trump.

Close Guantanamo Bay

While presidential candidate Obama pledged to close the US detention camp, the prison is still open. The Close Guantanamo campaign has set up the “Countdown to Close Guantanamo” initiative to mark how many days the President has left to close the facility.

Pardon Hillary Clinton

Civil rights activist, the Rev. Jesse Jackson called on Obama to pardon the former Democratic presidential nominee before he leaves office in order to prevent Trump allies from attempting to prosecute her. Trump has ruled out investigating and prosecuting Clinton as president.

Reduce or commute Chelsea Manning’s prison sentence

Manning, who disclosed secret diplomatic and military documents to Wikileaks, has asked the President to reduce her 35-year sentence.

Formally recognize Palestine

Former President Jimmy Carter wrote in a New York Times op-ed this week that before Obama leaves office, he should formally recognize Palestinian statehood.

End the violence at Standing Rock

Musician Neil Young called on the President in a Facebook post to make sure authorities treat those protesting the North Dakota Access Pipeline at the Standing Rock Indian Reservation with respect.

Free asylum-seekers

Immigration advocates have asked the President to release thousands of detained Central American women and children who are seeking asylum in the United States.

Replace water pipes in Flint, Michigan

Liberal Filmmaker Michael Moore called on the President to “send the Army Corps of Engineers to Flint to replace the water pipes.

Create more national monuments

Environmentalist groups have urged the President to preserve more land as national monuments. Creating a national monument could prevent mining, drilling, or construction on designated lands.

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