Ohio State police officer thanked for quick response to attack

An Ohio State University police officer was lauded Monday for quickly stopping a student who drove his vehicle into pedestrians and began stabbing them.

University President Michael Drake said he called Officer Alan Horujko, 28, “to thank him for following his training and being able to neutralize the circumstances within roughly one minute.”

Horujko shot and killed Abdul Razak Ali Artan when he failed to comply with orders to put down his weapon, officials said.

“We owe him a debt of gratitude,” said Monica Moll, director of OSU public safety. “He did a fabulous job today.”

The officer, an Ohio State graduate, has been with the campus force since January 2015.

Horujko at that time told The Lantern, the campus newspaper, that he worked with Student Safety Service.

“That’s kind of what led me to wanting to become a police officer,” he told the newspaper. “I just couldn’t see myself sitting in a cubicle.”

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