Trump aide mocks election challenge

A top aide to Donald Trump mocked Hillary Clinton supporters Thursday for not accepting the presidential election results.

“Look who ‘can’t accept the election results’ Hillary Clinton Supporters Call for Vote Recount in Battleground States,” Kellyanne Conway tweeted while linking to a New York Times story about the call for a recount.

Conway’s turn-the-tables dig comes after Trump himself had warned during the campaign that he might not accept the outcome if Clinton won.

Clinton won 2 million more votes than Trump and some academic and voting experts have suggested that the election results in three key states should be challenged because of possible irregularities in voting patterns that they say could be the result of hacking.

The Clinton campaign has not called for a recount, nor has the Democratic National Committee. And no hard evidence of hacking has been brought forward.

Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein and others are seeking an audit and recount of the results in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The voting experts have reportedly alerted Clinton’s camp of the possibility of hacks in key counties in those states.

The Stein campaign has raised more than $2 million to pay for the recounts and is now trying to raise $4.5 million.

Stein, who does not stand to win anything if the results are changed, said her effort is “not intended to help Clinton. “These recounts are part of an election integrity movement to attempt to shine a light on just how untrustworthy the U.S. election system is,” she said on her website.

Trump was repeatedly criticized before the election for warning that the outcome could be “rigged” and refusing to say if he would accept the results if Clinton won.

“I would like to promise and pledge to all of my voters and supporters and to all of the people of the United States that I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election — if I win,” Trump to supporters at a Ohio rally in October.

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