Trump supporter on prosecuting Hillary Clinton: ‘Let’s set this one aside’

Rep. Sean Duffy said Wednesday there is no need for Donald Trump to prosecute Hillary Clinton because the American public already has already made its decision about her.

“I think that the American people, in regard to the email server — we had a big American jury trial in this election and Mrs. Clinton lost,” the Wisconsin Republican and Trump supporter told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on “New Day.” “She’s been called out for her bad acts with the server.”

During the presidential campaign, Trump vowed he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the former secretary of state after the FBI and Justice Department decided against prosecuting Clinton for her use of a private email server while serving in the Obama administration.

Trump supporters embraced this plan often chanting “lock her up!” at his rallies and Trump interrupted Clinton during the second presidential debate to say if he were president, “You’d be in jail.”

But now the President-elect said he won’t push for prosecution of his former rival, telling The New York Times that she has “suffered greatly.”

Duffy agreed that Clinton has been through enough.

“At what point, we can say is that enough. Did we get our pound of flesh on her? I think so,” he said. “Let’s set this one aside. The investigation has already taken place. Let’s move forward in making America great again.”

If the Trump administration is going to effectively accomplish the President-elect’s agenda, he can’t be tied up with prosecuting Clinton, Duffy argued.

“If you’re going to actually get the big things done that are going to help grow our economy and put these middle (class) Americans that have been left behind back to work, you can’t have a big massive big fight with Mrs. Clinton,” he said.

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