These kids are writing letters to Trump asking him to be kind

In a time when most kids these days only write letters to Santa and begrudging thank you notes, these kids are showing how much this election impacted even the youngest future constituents.

After Election Day, Seattle mom Molly Spence Sahebjami helped her five-year-old son write a letter to President-elect Donald Trump asking him to be kind.

Sahebjami told CNN there are a lot of parents she knows who “don’t know what to say” to their kids after such a divisive election. The solution: let kids say things for themselves.

So Sahebjami started the Facebook group “Dear President Trump: Letters from Kids About Kindness.” It now more than 10,000 members.

The rules are simple: Be under the age of 18, be a productive communicator and explain why it’s important to be kind.

“There were things that Donald Trump had said during the campaign that, beyond politics and policies, were just unkind about certain groups of people. And kids knew that,” Sahebjami said.

Many of the letters do prove her point, mentioning many of the groups that President-elect Trump may have insulted during the campaign.

One letter, shared by a parent on Twitter, asks that Trump “be President of all Americans,” including his gay, lesbian, African-American and Hispanic friends.

The group purposefully doesn’t ask children to write letters to “President-elect Trump” because Sahebjami hopes the project will continue into Trump’s presidency. Kids are also welcome to write letters to Trump’s wife, Melania.

“Kindness is not a partisan issue,” Sahebjami said.

And if these letters can teach America anything after this dumpster fire of an election year, it’s that it’s cool to be kind.

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