5 things for Friday, November 18: Michael Flynn, Mexico, Kanye West

President-elect Donald Trump has offered retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn the role of national security adviser, a transition official told CNN Thursday.
President-elect Donald Trump has offered retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn the role of national security adviser, a transition official told CNN Thursday.

Good morning. It’s the weekend. Use the time to plan your eventual move to Mars. We’ve only got a good 1,000 years left. Here’s what you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.

1. Politics

President-elect Trump has offered retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn the job of national security advisor. He wouldn’t need Senate confirmation, so that helps. Because Flynn’s got a history of bashing Muslims and mishandling classified info. He was also fired from his last job.

2. Mexico

Mexico’s pulled the trigger on its contingency plan for a Trump presidency. It raised a key interest rate to save the peso, which plummeted after Trump won. Mexico says there’s more to come if Trump makes good on promises to withdraw from NAFTA. That’s because 80% of Mexico’s exports is to the US.

3. Syria

As feared, the three-week lull in bombing didn’t last. Aleppo is once again being pummeled by airstrikes and barrel bombs. Here’s how one resident describes the blitz: “Planes are more than birds, and bombs are more than rain.”

4. Oil

An oil reserve found in west Texas is so big, so big that it’s enough to pump out 20 billion barrels of oil and 1.6 billion barrels of natural gas. So it’s time to “drill baby drill?” Not so fast. The price of oil is still pretty low, so oil companies probably won’t have at it until prices start rising again.

5. Bills

Old ideas that had no chance of becoming law are being trotted out for another try. Among them: an Indiana lawmaker who wants to criminalize abortion. And an Iowa representative who wants to penalize colleges that fund election-related grief counseling. He’s calling his bill “Suck it up, Buttercup.”


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