Pennsylvania political operative to be considered as RNC chair, sources say

President-elect Donald Trump is considering Pennsylvania political operative Dave Urban as the next chair of the Republican National Committee, sources told CNN Tuesday.

Urban, who ran Trump’s successful Pennsylvania operation, would replace Reince Priebus, who was tapped by Trump on Sunday to become his chief of staff.

“Nothing is set in stone, but he is being strongly considered,” one source in the Trump campaign told CNN. “He has the trust of President-elect Donald J. Trump, he has the trust of the children and the trust of the senior staff. If Urban is able to replicate Pennsylvania in some of these other rust belt states that is a winning formula.”

Urban is a longtime GOP operative and prominent lobbyist. Sources told CNN that he not only got to know Trump during the campaign, but also got to know Trump’s family and earn their trust, as well as the trust of senior aides.

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum praised the idea of Urban running the RNC in a tweet, writing: “Hope rumor @DavidJUrban may be #RNC Chair is true. West Point, decorated in combat, solid blue collar conservative from Steel town in WPA.”

The President doesn’t choose the RNC chair — the candidate must run and be selected by its membership. But approval from the President helps the person’s case.

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