Scott Walker: Get rid of the filibuster for Trump

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said Wednesday in the wake of Donald Trump’s surprising victory that Republicans should get rid of the Senate filibuster.

Republicans maintained control of the House and Senate on Election Day, giving them control of the Legislative and Executive branches.

“I firmly believe that he wants to work — he wants to get things done,” Walker told radio host Charlie Sykes on WTMJ, describing a phone call this week with Trump’s running mate Mike Pence.

“He wants to be able to say we won and that best way to do that is to allow Paul (Ryan) to help lead the way in the House. I think the Senate, people like Ron Johnson for sure, Ron wants to help Paul in that regard. My biggest is concern that they not allow, some of these arcane rules that have nothing to with the Constitution.”

Sykes inquired if Walker wanted to get rid of the filibuster, which would allow Republicans to pass bills with a simply majority in the Senate.

“Yeah, I’ve said it last year,” Walker said. “To me, I think that would really upset the electorate of the people who not only elected Donald Trump and Mike Pence but the people who elected Ron here and elected other members of the House and the Senate. You cannot use, they cannot use inside-the-ballpark Washington procedural reason to justify why things don’t happen. They’ve got to get things done and as I said frequently here in this state and continue to, the best time to do them is early.”

Last year, Walker said during his presidential run Republicans could repeal the filibuster to get rid of Obamacare.

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