Navarro on Trump win: End of one nightmare, beginning of another

On the heels of Donald Trump’s presidential victory, CNN’s Ana Navarro joined the hosts of “New Day” Wednesday morning to react to an unprecedented political moment.

Wearing an oversized sticker bearing the letters TGIO — “thank god it’s over” — Navarro discussed what she views as a challenging road ahead after an excruciatingly long campaign and election run-up.

“One nightmare is over, another is about to begin,” she told host Chris Cuomo. “At this point, he is President-elect Trump. I don’t like Donald Trump. I respect the office of the presidency.”

When Cuomo suggested that Trump’s acceptance speech seemed to be less divisive and more humble and conciliatory than many might have expected, the avowed Republican quickly cut him off.

“I found very little comforting last night,” said Navarro.

As for the road ahead and the future of a nation that will be led by a man with no government experience, Navarro said she hoped that the man soon to inhabit the Oval Office is far different from the one who blazed a campaign trail unlike any seen before.

“Let’s hope that he was playing a character for campaign purposes. He’s an entertainer. Let’s hope that that’s what he was doing and that the Trump that becomes president… feels the weight of the position, the responsibility and duty of the position, and realizes that governing a divided country is very, very difficult.”

“We’ve got to hope for his success,” she concluded. “We’ve got to hope for our country’s success.”

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