Warren Buffett shuttles voters to polls on Omaha trolley

Warren Buffett has kept his promise to drive voters to the polls on Election Day.

On Tuesday, Buffett was on on board one of the trolleys that was shuttling people to polling places in Omaha, Nebraska.

The Oracle of Omaha teamed up with Ollie the Trolley to help voters in Nebraska’s second district get to the polls as part of his “Drive 2 Vote” campaign. Back in August, Buffett promised to personally “take at least 10 people to the polls.” With the help of the trolleys he’ll now be able to take many more.

When CNNMoney called the number to request a ride to the polls, the answering service advised us to leave our name, address, phone number and ideal time to go to the polls. The operator said Drive 2 Vote could not promise an exact time, but would get voters to the polls within a two-hour time frame.

Buffett, via a FAQ section on the Drive 2 Vote website, assured trolley takers that they would also be taken home.

“We’re not going to strand anybody,” Buffett said. “This is not something where I ask them how they voted at the end, and if they didn’t vote the way I voted, I’d leave them behind.”

Buffett told reporters he wouldn’t issue any partisan statements, but he has publicly supported Hillary Clinton.

Buffett said the important thing was for people to get out and vote and said anyone who wanted to vote would get transportation to the polls.

“There are at least 320 million reasons to vote, and I say that because there are 320 million or so people in the United States,” Buffett said in a Drive 2 Vote video.

Buffett said he wasn’t planning to drive the trolley.

“[The licensed drivers are] the ones who are really out there — [voters will] get a faster drive that way.”

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