Trump, Clinton make final pitches in dueling op-eds

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton wrote dueling op-eds in USA Today to make their cases to voters nationwide the day before Election Day.

The op-eds, which were published online Sunday night — and set for print publication Monday — largely draw upon their respective stump speeches, including outlining some key policy planks and hammering each other.

Trump, using terminology he has favored in recent weeks on the campaign trail, calls for “draining the swamp of corruption in Washington” and fixing a “rigged system in which political insiders can break the law without consequence.”

He goes on to mention Clinton as having “been the subject of an FBI criminal investigation.” Trump conspicuously leaves out the Sunday afternoon decision from FBI Director James Comey to announce that Clinton was again cleared of wrongdoing.

A message left with the Trump campaign asking if it considered updating the op-ed based on Comey’s announcement was not immediately returned.

Trump also reiterates his oft-mentioned plans to scrap Obamacare, renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement and other trade deals and secure the border to bar undocumented immigrants and terrorists from entering the US.

Clinton’s op-ed features the former secretary of state laying out four goals for her first 100 days in office, including greater government spending on infrastructure to boost employment, introducing “comprehensive immigration reform legislation,” overturning Citizens United and starting “end-to-end criminal justice reform.”

She makes one mention of Trump toward the end of her piece, writing, “My opponent has run his campaign on divisiveness, fear and insults, and spent months pitting Americans against each other. I’ve said many times that Donald Trump has shown us who he is. Now we have to decide who we are.”

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