Trump hits Clinton over Jay Z’s profanity at concert

Donald Trump slammed Hillary Clinton Saturday for the profanity-laced performance rapper Jay Z delivered the previous night at a concert designed to galvanize her supporters.

The Republican nominee, whose campaign briefly went into a tailspin after audio surfaced last month of him making lewd and sexually aggressive comments about women, argued that he’s “never said what he (Jay Z) said in my life” and knocked the “phoniness of politicians.”

“He used every word in the book last night,” Trump said. “He used language last night that was so bad and then Hillary said, ‘I did not like Donald Trump’s lewd language.’ My lewd language. I tell you what, I’ve never said what he said in my life.”

Jay Z performed several of his hit songs Friday night, and some of the lyrics used the N-word, F-word and motherf—–, though he did self-censor at some points. Asked earlier this week if Jay Z would censor himself, a Clinton aide said “What Jay Z says it up to Jay Z.”

There is video footage of Trump saying the F-word and motherf—– in past public appearances, and the Republican nominee has even used profanity on the campaign trail to drive home his message, including saying he would “bomb the s—” out of ISIS.

Clinton and her campaign also used footage of Trump mouthing the F-word during a campaign speech in New Hampshire last year, adding a bleep even though Trump did not audibly say the word.

Clinton has also strongly criticized Trump for his comments about women in the 2005 audio tape in which Trump bragged about being able to sexually assault women because of his “star” status. Trump said that he could “grab them by the p—-” and bragged about trying to “f—” a married woman.

Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, also accused Clinton of hypocrisy, drawing on Clinton’s phrase that “our children are listening” in her criticisms of the Republican nominee.

“Because our children are listening” right Hillary? Jay Z drops the n-word, f-bomb during concert for Hillary Clinton,” Conway tweeted, linking to a story about Jay Z’s use of profanity during the concert.

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