Top Senate Republican: ‘Premature’ to talk about Hillary Clinton impeachment

Republican Sen. John Cornyn earlier this week called the talk from some GOP lawmakers of the possible impeachment of Hillary Clinton “premature.”

“Well, I think that’s premature myself, to be talking about that because of course she hasn’t been elected or sworn into office,” the Texas senator and current majority whip said Tuesday on “The Wells Report” on 660 AM The Answer. “And unless there is some additional evidence that the FBI director and the Justice Department would take to a grand jury, then she is not likely to be convicted of a crime.”

As CNN’s KFILE reported, several GOP congressman, asked about the possibility of a Clinton impeachment, have warned a Clinton presidency could lead to a “constitutional crisis” should the FBI’s acquiring of emails from top aide Huma Abedin lead to an indictment.

Cornyn blasted Attorney General Loretta Lynch for not convening a grand jury or special prosecutor to investigate Clinton.

“To me, the only way to get to bottom of all this would be to have the attorney general appoint a special counsel, convene a grand jury, present the grand jury with the evidence and let the chips fall where they may because clearly none of us really have the whole story,” he said.

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